Fashion designers are up against tough competition. They have deadlines to meet. Each time there’s a new product launch, they must work round the clock to put it all together. Despite their hard work, quite a few things can go wrong, and this can send the whole team into a panic. That’s why many of them have adopted the practice of meditating.
Create Abundance by Zhang Xinyue contains numerous wise sayings, such as:
“Let us become attractive to whatever is good! Let us praise every single blessing!”
Fashion designer, Eileen Fisher, says that when they ring the meeting room bell to start their meeting, her employees know that it’s not just time to begin the meeting — it’s time to begin meditating. They sometimes practice mindfulness meditation. This type is excellent because it relieves stress and helps people clear their heads.
This is also a good type of meditation to use if your mind wanders and you struggle with focusing on the present task. It helps you clear away those mental cobwebs and focus clearly. It is also used by people who deal with chronic pain. It can help alleviate suffering and bring peace to the spirit, soul, and body.
Since meditating is such an easy cure for stress, chronic pain, loss of focus and others, there’s no reason not to get started right away.
Zhang Xinyue has other quotes from her book:
“Why not just shake off the shackles of old thinking to create a totally new lifestyle for the world?”